Filippo Marinetti and the Dawn of Futurism

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Filippo Marinetti was an Italian author and poet from the early 1900's to the mid-1920's. Marinetti was the founder of a style of art that started in about 1909 known as Futurism. Futurism is the product of the Cubist movement even though it didn't originally start out that way. Originally, there was no specific style to the Futurism movement and it took inspiration from a lot of other periods such as Symbolism and Post-Impressionism. Futurism became of on the more important stepping stones of 20th century art history. Artists such as Umberto Boccioni, Giacomo Balla, Gino Severini, and Carlo Carrà took Marinetti's ideas and turned it into art, exploring the concepts of space and movement. Marinetti founded the Futurism movement with the Futurist Manifesto in which he says "We want no part of it, the past...we the young and strong Futurists!" Marinetti hated the old forms of politics and art and that he wanted to embrace the future of new technology, travel, warfare, nationalism, & violence. The philosophy …show more content…

Zang Tumb Tumb was created at the beginning of 1912 and was finish in 1914. This was Marinetti's first published work within a collection of works he called parole in libertá. Parole in libertá translates to "words in liberty." All of the parole in libertás were a type of poetry in which it was verbal as well as visual. He took words from his book of the same title and rearranged them on the page. Zang Tumb Tumb is a poem written in 1912 about Marinetti's experience of the Siege of Adrianople during the Balkan War in which he was an war correspondent. The title, Zang Tumb Tumb, is actually multiple onomatopoeias that come from the sounds of the war; the bombs, explosions, and artillery shelling. The typography is draw so that the person viewing it can get a feel the noises as they read it. Also, the way it is positioned you get a sense of which noises are further away or a little louder than

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