Filipino Immigration Thesis

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Independent Study Diana Burdeos Matr.No.: 5065561

Seminar: Asian America: History and Writings of Chinese and Japanese Americans by Prof'in. Dr.Susanne Opfermann

Filipino immigrants in America
The strong influx of Filipino immigrants during the early 1920s until today has made them the largest nationality migrating into the United States. In Roger Daniels "Coming to America: A History of Immigration and Ethnicity in American Life" published in 1991 a historical overview and an analysis of the immigration process of Filipinos is presented.
Filipinos were considered as American nationals because of the US annexation of the Philippines in 1898, and were therefore not exposed to the complications other Asian ethnic groups had when trying to enter the United States. Daniel illustrates where most Filipinos migrated to and how their life in America developed.
The types of migrants are divided into three prominent groups: students, intellectuals and laborers. Beyond the three migration groups, nurses and navy recruits also contributed to the growing number of Filipino immigrants. While, nurses relatively easily received employment since they were willing to work under poor circumstances, Filipino navy recruits stayed in the US navy even after the independence of the Philippines in 1945. Nevertheless, …show more content…

According to Daniels many hospitals have recruited nurses in the Philippines and “urban medical treatment facilities could not continue to operate if all foreign medical personnel were removed.”(359), and pointing out that the Filipino community have become an essential part of American hospitals. Leaning against Daniels portrayal of the number of trained nurses from the Philippines migrating to America, nursing studies are assumably even until today one of the most popular profession of Filipino

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