Figurative Language In Dr. Seuss The Cat In The Hat

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In 1957, a man named Theodor Geisel wrote a poem that many of you will know,it is a famous children’s book. This poem is called, “The Cat In the Hat”. As many of you know, the poem starts off with two kids who can not go outside cause it is raining and are bored with their lives. Then, something strange and unthinkable happens, a cCat appears and he wants to show the kids a good time only the kids and their pet fish do not want to get in trouble by their mom. But, if you dig deeper, you realize the poem is more than that. “The Cat In the Hat” is actually about our everyday lives and how the Devil tries to get us away from God and into temptations.
Dr. Seuss is amazing at using Figurative Language in “The Cat In the Hat”. Dr.Seuss uses personification …show more content…

Seuss is impeccable at using Sound Devices in “The Cat In the Hat”. Dr. Seuss uses an Onomatopoeia to show how the Cat came out of nowhere. Sally’s brother describes the Cat’s appearance as,“and then something went BUMP!/how that bump made us jump!/ we looked! /then we saw him step in on the mat!” (Seuss 20-23). The Cat shows up unexpectedly just like the Devil always shows up when you are at your weakest and shows up out of nowhere. Dr. Seuss uses assonance to show that the Cat was telling the kids a lie in order for them not to kick the Cat out of the house. The Cat tells Sally and her brother, “i will show them to you. /your mother will not mind at all if i do”(Seuss 38-39). The Cat is lying to the children about their mother not minding so he could continue to tempt them just like the Devil lies to us in order for us to sin against God. Dr.Seuss is marvelous at using alliteration to emphasis that the Cat should not be there and the fish wants the children to listen to him and get the Cat gone. The fish states to the children, “he should not be here. /he should not be about. /he should not be here /when your mother is out!”(Seuss 48-51). This shows the fish is always looking out for the children just like how Jesus is always looking out for us. Dr. Seuss uses Sound devices to emphasis the Devil is creative when it comes to getting us away from God and takes form in many different forms to deceive us when in his

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