Field Experience Paper

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As I carry on my studies in Elementary Education, The field experience assignment has been a learning and growing experience for me. This semester I did five hours in a physical education class and during my experience I learned a lot. As I spoke to the Physical Education teacher Ms. Hines, she informed me that this school year was a tough year for her. From all her classes she had two classes were a couple of kids who had disabilities and the rest of the students were only Spanish speakers. The teacher only spoke English, which caused some difficulties describing her lesson of the day to her students.
Ms. Hines was determined to overcome her issues and attain it a great school year. She set all her lesson plans to her students with disability. She made sure her class activities would be easy for her students with disability, but also entertaining for her other students. Ms. Hines also paired her students together during her class activities. She figured out that making her class activities in …show more content…

Hines would manage her class by setting some everyday rules and if they haven’t been followed there would be some consequences implemented depending on their behavior or action. More or less of her consequence were sitting out for five minutes, sitting out for the remainder of the class, or going to the principal’s office. This motivated her kids to behave well and do well in their class activities because this was the only time they had free and were able to express themselves. Ms. Hines had a heavy interaction and communication with her students. She was really caring and loving and her students appreciated her for that.
In general, the field experience assignment has been a learning and growing experience for me. While watching Ms. Hines deal with her class I’ve realized a few aptitudes I’ll be utilizing in the future. She has taught me how to manage a classroom, how to implement good behavior, and how to make a safe and comfortable classroom for the

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