Fiction Vs Reality In Life Of Pi

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Q1 :

Life of Pi , by Yann Martel , is an exceptional story by means that in reality , it is a story inside a story . Through out the entire Part II , Piscine tells the reader about his long and difficult time aboard the life raft with a zebra , orangatang , hyena and even a tiger . The reader only truly discovers at the end of the novel upon an interview with the two Japanese interviewers , that the entire story been told by Piscine , had been alternated . Reality being that each animal illustrated , were actually a real survivor from the sinking . “Which do you want to believe ?” said Piscine to the two interviewers. He had done so to separate himself from the horrifying , yet true reality , that he was forced to be faced with , including the loss of his family . The most fascinating of all the characters is Richard Parker , who in reality turned out to be Piscine . All this was done by himself to keep in a healthy state of mind and to retain hope in survival as opposed to having to think back to the reality and go into a state of possible depression . The fiction versus reality which is created is to back up Piscines statement on “ which do you want to believe ?” , as it changes the format of the story from dull , into an adventure full of life .

Q2.1 :

Attempting to create a movie of the novel , is a very difficult and daunting task . The novel relies heavily on ones very own imagination to bring it to life . It is a novel where by the whole story is created around Piscines imagination for the fight for survival and hope upon the life raft whereby he uses his imagination to create a fantasy and interest aboard the raft. He creates characters , scenery and even island using his imagination , it for this reason that trying ...

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... a story about a young boy stranded at sea , but rather as a novel of great imagination , and the extraordinary scenes of events , whereby Pi becomes stronger in his mind and character . It is a story which is beyond belief , which all comes reality at the end of the novel , whereby he admits to the Japanese interviewers that he only created his fantasy to keep himself strong at will , and to prevent giving up .Examples of such can be characterised by events such the changing of characters in piscine’s mind , from human beings , into animals . Other events include the famous carnivore’s island , the taming of Richard Parker and many others . Therefore I conclude that I belief that it should not be considered as a castaway novel , which is all about survival , and rather should be considered as an adventure , which depicts all the fantasies present in the story .

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