Fetal Biopsy Case Study

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Jennifer is a 28yo, G2 P0010, who is currently 23 weeks 0 days. She felt an impalpable mass on her neck and has had work-up. She has since been referred to ENT. Thyroid studies are normal with a TSH of 1.8 and a free T4 of .94 indicating a cold nodule per her report. An ultrasound performed recently was suspicious for a thyroglossal duct cyst. She is scheduled to have a biopsy on December 28, 2017. She was referred today to discuss the nodule.

On ultrasound there is a live fetus in breech presentation. Fetal biometry is consistent with dates. A detailed anatomic survey was overall unremarkable and there were no gross structural abnormalities seen. There was some concern for a mildly echogenic bowel, but no other common markers of aneuploidy were seen.

I had a long discussion with Jennifer and her partner today.

1. We first discussed her thyroid. If in fact this is thyroglossal duct cyst there should be no significant complications of pregnancy. The biopsy is important to rule-out anything that could be significant such as a malignancy. She will continue to follow-up with ENT per their suggestions.
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In regard to her ultrasound, we discussed the finding of an echogenic bowel. I was able to get a verbal report on her quad screen that was screen negative with a risk at 1:7000. Even modifying that risk for echogenic bowel, we would still be better than her age based risk which is overall reassuring. We discussed the other etiologies of echogenic bowel including TORCH infections, cystic fibrosis, and bleeding. She has not had any obvious bleeding where we would suspect fetal swallowing, but it is still a possibility. Her CF screen is negative which reduces this risk significantly. I suggested that she have TORCH titers drawn, both IgM and IgG at her next visit for her Glucola in early

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