Feodor Ivanovich Chaliapin

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Feodor Ivanovich Chaliapin is one of the most influential opera singers of his time. He was a renowned Russian operatic bass who was uncharacteristic in the fact that he did dramatic portrayals in his singing (Shelokhonov). He did not come from a charmed life, but was blessed with a natural talent that was recognized by famed Dmitry Usatov who took his talent to new levels (Funk and Wagnall). He went on to find great fame and appeared in most all of the great opera houses of Europe, England, and the United States (Froud). Chaliapin’s performance in Boris Godunov is credited with keeping the popularity of the opera alive (LeSuer).
Feodor Ivanovich Chaliapin was born into a peasant family in Kazan, Russia on February 13, 1873. His upbringing …show more content…

This was the foundation of many other appointments in which he grew to be an accomplished soloist. In 1896 Chaliapin had the honor of singing with a private opera company in Moscow in which he made his inauguration as Ivan Susanin in Glinka's A Life for the Tsar. Chaliapin received great reviews after the performance (Froud). During this same time period he capitalized on his new found fame and secured numerous successful solo concerts. In 1901 he branched outside of his Russian home country to begin making an international name for himself (LeSueur). From the years 1905 to 1937 he performed almost every season at Monte Carlo in the role of King Philip in Don Carol. Chaliapin was a master of makeup which he used to his advantage in creating his characters (Shelokhonov). This is where he fashioned the roll of Don Quixote. In 1933 he was the star in a film about this same character, but unfortunately the film was never completed. Not all was lost, the Don Quichotte songs by Maurice Ravel and Jacques Ibert were born from this film …show more content…

While in Paris he worked with Diaghilev and landed many Russian roles at the Covent Garden in London from 1913-1914. When he finally returned to Russia he stayed there until the end of World War I and the Great Revolution. In 1922 he settled to France where remained until his death in 1938 (St. James). In 1935-1936 he went on a world tour where he performed all over Europe, England, United States, China, and Japan. He has a wide-ranging repertoire that has been preserved in his recordings made between 1901 and 1935. One interesting note about his recitals is the fact that he would not reveal the titles of the songs he would be singing in the program. The program simply stated “Selections to be announced.”( Shelokhonov). The world is a better place for having had the amazing talented Chaliapn in it. His powerful and agile voice, together with his remarkable build, his gusto, and his outstanding ability as a naturalistic actor, made him one of the greatest performers in the history of opera (LeSueur). The world of opera will be forever grateful for his grandeur presence that has left a mark on the opera world. “Chaliapin will never die; for with his fabulous talent, this marvelous artist can never be forgotten… To future generations Chaliapin will become a legend.”- Sergey

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