Fenella Short Story Analysis

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The story is being told from the point of view of Fenella, the child. This can be seen in instances in small details that Fenella notices, such as “the peck from the swan’s head umbrella and “the little boy looking like a fly”. These details aid in establishing the story in Fenella’s point of view. The story is being told from the narrative mode. This can be observed in instances such as “I have to confess that behind his father 's back Phalina joined in their fun” and “But, as I have said before, he loved him with a kind of condescension.” We are notified that Fenella has just lost her mother recently when the Stewardess refers to Fenella as the “poor little motherless mite”. The narrator makes Fenella’s innocence knows in many instances, one of them is while Mrs. Crane is in the cabin, getting ready for bed, Fenella is unable to describe her grandmother’s clothing. The narrator tells the reader that Mrs. Crane “undid her bodice, and something under that, and something else underneath that.” This suggests that Fenella is too young to know the name of each garment that her grandmother is wearing. Throughout the story, it is evident that Mrs. Crane has given Fenella the …show more content…

Crane’s umbrella as a way to present Fenella’s growing responsibility. It is told earlier on in the story that it is Fenella’s responsibility to look after the umbrella. Mansfield writes “Fenella remembered she had left the swan-necked umbrella standing up on the little couch. If it fell over, would it break? But grandma remembered too, at the same time”, this lie signifies that Fenella’s sense of responsibility is growing and she is starting to consider things that are wiser than she had before. Finally, at the end of the voyage, before her Grandmother could finish her sentence, Fenella tells her that she has the umbrella, indicating that her sense of responsibility is completely grown and her transition from girl to woman is

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