Fences Symbolism

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Fences In the play “Fences” the significance of the title serves to show how Troy was metaphorically closed in from facing his own truth. The job of the African American Man, to protect, survive, teach and enforce was a lot of pressure for Troy to handle while metaphorically inside the same fence he was literally building; closing himself in. The metaphoric talk of death repeats in Troy's final struggle with Cory. Troy is drunk now, whereas Cory is brave and strong. They struggle for a bat; which Troy ultimately gets. This struggle for the bat is not merely struggle for that trivial bat, but for something which are very important in one's life. For Troy it can be rules and orders, expectations and respects. For Cory, it can stand for independence …show more content…

Baseball is his comfort zone so when he feels the need to express his anger or the infidelity he expressed it in terms of baseball talk. To Rose he apologized for his actions but as far as his son Cory he never apologized or regretted his actions, because he was never apologized to for never playing in the Major Leagues. He felt as if he owed the truth to his wife and that satisfaction because she was good enough but not to his son because he wasn’t good enough. We see this when he calls strike on Cory multiple times, for instance when Cory lied about the job that was strike …show more content…

He could have easily stayed away from messing around with Alberta, especially after Bono warned him that he knew, and the way he treated Cory was wrong so their relationship was a failure before he was even a factor in the family, all because he felt robbed of his dream. Troy felt a since of entitlement to bring others down with him because of his past, and Cory just happened to get it the worst, he was being stripped of his dream all because his father was stripped of his. The fence here symbolizes the discontent in his own

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