Feminist Science Research Paper

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Feminist Science Term Paper- Article review
Bringing Gender into Science

Recently , India successfully put a satellite(Mangalyaan) into orbit around Mars . While the nation was thrilled for its achievement , one aspect that stood out amidst the celebrations was the role of women scientists in the mission. Science has always been a male-dominated area and the women who are present in the field are often viewed through the lens of stereotypes. For instance, the women who have made their place in science are granted the space by conflating thier choice of life with an ascetic's life, a life based on values such as sacrifice. Thus, the sight of women scientists clad in Kanjeevaram sarees , adorning gajras holding vital positions in the mission …show more content…

Just like in the wider society , there are restrictions that govern a woman,thus, it is essential to study whether the space of a laboratory replicates the same forms of discrimination. This can be understood by analysing various aspects such as the number of women in such spaces, the restrictions placed on their interactions and mobility. In C.V Raman's library as highlighted by Abha Sur , women scientists could'nt intearct with their male colleagues and on days when they had to stay back in the laboratory , they were restricted to spaces such as under the tables , unlike the open spaces which were 'rightfully' reserved for their male colleagues. This enables us to view science as a microcosm of the larger society , and identify with the need for women to reclaim their rightful space in such settings. While the number of women in the field of science has increased over the years, women shouldn't be granted this space as a form of tokenism till the time they do not deviate from the cultural norms. Anna Mani's attitude towards gender inequality in science can be interpreted as an example of how the appreciation that women derive by adhering to the cultural norms , makes them develop a consciousness which overlooks the discrimination metted out against …show more content…

There are several interpretations of feminist science. One can be bringing in 'feminine' values into the practice of science and the other can be to bring out the male bias inherent in science. Longino understands feminist science as as feminist way of doing science rather as an end product and draws a distinction between the concept and practice of science. For her feminist science is a possibility and this is brought out in her arguments about feminist epistemology and practicing it as local epistemology, however she also argues that while in principle it is a possibility to do science as a feminist , the conditions in the overall society also need to be transformed for it to be possible in practice. Practice in science involves a lot of external factors such as funding etc. and thus a feminist way of doing science is only possible when a preceded by a shift in the patriarchal, sexist , deterministic mindset of the society. As I have stated earlier too, the field of science or any other field for that matter is a microcosm of the larger society and no change can be brought about in either individually. They mutually reinforce the ideas that govern their

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