Feminism, Environment, and Protest in China and India

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In chapters 7, 8, and 9 of Brave New World by Anja Manuel, Manuel focuses on feminism, environmental degradation, and public protests within China and India. Both countries struggle with issues that often put certain vulnerable or weak parties at a disadvantage. However, in recent years both countries have seen a stirring of their citizens who are finding these issues more important. China went through a push for democracy while India is fully benefiting from their already democratic economy. Although China and India seem to have positive ideals in mind for their future, achieving these goals may not be so easy. Although modern culture has globally shown awareness towards feminism, countries like China and India still face daily issues with women being treated unequally to men. Banwari Devi tells her story of being raped in the cornfields in India because she was alone. She joined the Gulabi Gang, a group of village women from northern India founded in 2006 aiming to combat violence against women. She aims to protect the women of her village devoting herself to making sure “women after [her] can walk through fields with long, fearless strides” (147). For husbands will leave women who have been raped because it is shameful; however, …show more content…

Feminism forces females to depend on their male counterparts to live decent lives and can be shamed for being raped by men that are not their husbands. Both countries suffer from polluted airs and waterways that could eventually lead to the weakening of their public health and decreasing resources. Yet, the most important commonality that the countries have is their public awareness of these issues. Although the countries have different ways of combating public protest, the fact that the public is becoming increasingly aware and concerned about these issues is important for the road to

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