Feminism Double Standards

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It is been almost a century since the full admission of women into the legal profession; almost 90 years since the right to vote was granted to all women; almost half a century since the implementation of equal pay and anti- discrimination legislation, and today feminism is still a problem. Feminism is not just about girl power. It is about equality between the two sexes and every person being able to decide how to live our lives, pursue what make us happy and fulfilled as human beings regardless of genders. Every single one of us has been a victim of double standards and inequality. Many women grew up being told that they have to be nice and look attractive while men were taught to be tough, and to cry means you are weak. Double standards …show more content…

Women who convey statements like this might needed to be reminded of her own privilege as a woman (white, upper-class, educated, straight) and have not necessarily experienced brutal acts of discrimination and inequality against women. It is extraordinary that so many women today feel that they have same rights as men, but we still need feminism, and will continue to need it, until every woman in the world feel this way as well. On the other hand, it is a common misconception that feminists are angry and aggressive man-haters and a man can not be a feminist, but this is far from the case. The truth is anyone can be a feminist. I define feminism as a belief that all genders are equal and anyone is able to live the life the way they want. It is not a gender issue, it is a humanist issue. Men can help putting an end to inequality and spreading feminism by using your privilege to help those who do not share the same privilege as you do. We still need feminism because when people get married, women will take the men’s last name, and when women are assaulted, they are usually the ones to feel ashamed. We still need feminism because we teach women how to prevent rape, when what we really need to teach is for people to not view women as subjects. We still need feminism, because women …show more content…

All women deserve a life with opportunity to be respected, to be educated, and to participate in all aspects of life. Gender-based inequality and discrimination pervade worldwide, it is not only a major violation to human rights, it also prevents women and girls from fully realizing their self-worth, to enjoy equal opportunities, to pursue quality education, career and health care, the rights to live without fear of violence and most importantly, her gender will not decide her status and place in society.
Women are strong, bold, and brave, but men and boys also play a critical role in this. It is both the right thing and the smart thing to do. It’s time to influence change in society. I have no doubt that many of you desire a better world for women and girls and more than a few of you are actively working on bringing about positive changes. But there is much more to do to end the hardships women face. They are your mothers, sisters, wives, partners, daughters, nieces, aunts, cousins and friends. They have beautiful dreams and hopes for themselves, their families and the world. If many of their dreams were to come true, the world would be a much better place for all of humanity. “If you go alone you go fast, but if we go together, we go far”. Let us go far

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