Feelings About War in Dulce et Decorum Est by Owen, The Charge of the Light Brigade by Tennyson, Vitai Lampada by Newbolt and The Man He Killed by H

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Feelings About War in Dulce et Decorum Est by Owen, The Charge of the Light Brigade by Tennyson, Vitai Lampada by Newbolt and The Man He Killed by Hardy

The three poems which i have chosen are Dulce et Decorum Est, Vitai

Laumpacta and The Charge of the light Brigade.

In Dulce et Decorum Est, Owen is describing soldiers who are returning

from battle and are struck by a gas shell, what it was really like

actually being there, and how horrible it is to be there and witness

it happening.

But then in Vitai Laumpacta, Newbolt is comparing the tension of the

last man in a cricket match from when he was at school to the last man

in a war in the middle of a desert where many died.

On the other hand, in The Charge of the Light Brigade, Tennyson is

re-telling the story of the charge in the Crimean War, which did not

go to plan and the Captain sent the light Brigade to their deaths.

In the poem, 'Dulce et Decorum Est', Owen is describing what it's

really like to be a soldier in war. He reveals how exhausted soldiers

get and how slow their reactions get due to their tiredness.

In the first stanza, owen is describing how the soldiers are feeling.

He uses rhyme, for example "Sludge/Trudge" and "Boots/Hoots". Owen

also uses a number of similes, for example "Coughing like hags" is a

simile which is in the first stanza. I think by that Owen was trying

to say that there were many ill soldiers, and they still had to go on.

There is also a metaphor in this stanza, "Men marched asleep", this is

a strong and effective phrase. Using that metaphor, Owen was basically

tipping off just how tired they were, as if the soldiers could only

just stay asl...

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...f this battle, but

he still wrote a poem on it from other people's accounts and from the

newspapers etc. So he did not know entirely what it was like being a

soldier in a battle. Although he knows it is bloody and gory, and a

terrible sight, he refers War to being like a game. He relates War to

a cricket match he has when he was a young boy. Im not so sure i agree

with that, but that is his opinion I believe. Unlike Tennyson's poem,

this is not about glory or fame, but for the sake of taking part,

while Tennyson's poem is about fame and glory. In that way of looking

at it, they are kind of opposites to eachother in that way.

In this poem, Newbolt has contained a lot of tension. Being the last

man in a cricket match or being the last man in a battle, the outcome

is in their hands, this creates a great amount of tension.

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