Feedback In Human Resource Performance

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In this paper they discussed 360 feedback of a Romanian company. It talked about different sources of evaluating human resource performance. It also talked about different types of performances like contextual performance, task performance, adaptive performance etc. Feedback is an important tool that people at work give to an employee regarding his/her performance to improve his/her good performance and correct poor behaviour. It is up to recipient whether to accept it or reject it. Major source of feedback is from managers as they establish performance objectives. Two types of performance evaluation methods were considered here. They are Classical and Multi-Source feedback.
In classical performance appraisal the performance is measured against the organizational standards. It has many pitfalls like it is based on single evaluator, addresses only formal aspects of the job performance etc.. Supervisor is responsible for the feedback. Even though he takes inputs from others, the final call stays with him.
As feedback is one form of providing information to an employee about his/her pe...

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