Federal Bureaucracy Essay

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The federal bureaucracy exists to perform specific duties related to the function of government in society. The Necessary and Proper Clause of the Constitution grants the federal government permission to create specialized corporations. The Department of Energy (DOE) is one of these corporations, and it has several offices within its breadth. The Department of Science operates within the DOE, and has numerous functions related to research and development in science. Recently, the Department of Science released its annual budget request. The Department of Science receives federal funding to carry out research and maintain pristine facilities in an effort to keep the United States competitive within the global scientific community. Another government corporation is the United States Department of …show more content…

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) is a familiar agency to most Americans. In short, the FDIC takes measures to protect people’s money. This year, they published a special edition newsletter to address the issue of cybersecurity. They give tips about how to avoid identity theft and how to protect from cyber-attacks. The FDIC’s intended goal with their news publications is to educate the public on relevant issues involving financial security free of charge. Another independent government agency is the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The EPA made headlines recently when it announced several grants that it would be issuing to small businesses to aid in their development of potentially breakthrough environmental technologies. Groups who are awarded grants through this program are currently developing a variety of technologies, including state-of-the-art air and water filters, less hazardous construction materials, processes for converting waste to fuel, and several

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