Fear Of Phobia Essay

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In the current crisis of the capitalist world system, elites in the United States, along with other central countries, promote fear of crime and terrorism. They shaped these fears so that people looked to authorities for security, which permitted extension of apparatuses of coercion like police and military forces.” Panic is a sudden sensation of fear which is so strong as to completely dominate or prevent reason and logical thinking, replacing it with only overwhelming feelings of anxiety and frantic agitation consistent with animalistic reactions. Panic can occur singularly in individuals or appear suddenly in groups as panic. All beings capable of emotion have felt panic before. Panic is best visualized as uncovering a colony of cockroaches …show more content…

Therefore, those psychologists feel that arachnophobia is most likely based on beliefs about the nature of spiders and superstitions about them. Another common phobia is of snakes known as Ophidiophobia. This phobia is characterized by an intense or unreasonable fear that is caused by the thoughts or actual physical presence of snakes. Exposure to a snake causes an immediate anxiety reaction that may include panic attacks or other serious reactions. In some cases, people may also have strong anxiety reactions to depictions of these reptiles, thoughts of snakes, and conversations involving discussion of snakes. People with ophidiophobia know and understand that their fears are excessive, but will often go out of their way to avoid snakes, including changing their routines to avoid any possible contact with snakes. This avoidance, anxiety, and distress can lead to impairments in social, occupational, and academic functioning. It should be stated that although a huge number of people may be afraid or feel uneasy at the sight of snakes, a person would only receive a true clinical diagnosis of a specific phobia if snakes were present in his or her environment and the level of distress or avoidance behaviors were causing impairment in their social or everyday

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