Fear Of Change In Shirley Jackson's The Lottery

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‘’The Lottery’’ by Shirley Jackson takes place in a small village of men, women, and children. In the story all of the townspeople practice an intense social custom that results in the death of one person every year. Although Jackson does not state the reason for the killings in the story, I firmly believe that the reason was because the townspeople feared the unknown and did not like change. These men and women may have continued to practice this custom because they believed that something bad would happen to them had the ritual had not been done every year. The men, women, and children in Jackson’s story are all immensely superstitious, and that superstition creates fear of change within their society, even when the continuous tradition results …show more content…

One was because the lottery has always been done, and the second reason is because they fear the unknown of what would happen if they’d stop. Jackson makes it very clear that the practice had been a part of the townspeople’s history for many decades. In the story, one of the characters, Old Man Warner, stated that he has been doing the lottery for 77 years (p. 139. The townspeople may believe because it has been done for years, why change it? The idea of change was not pleasant among the townspeople. One village not too far from theirs thought of getting rid of the lottery and one of the characters, Old Man Warner, replied, “Pack of crazy fools... There's always been a lottery (p. 138).’’ This quote shows that they did not want change because the lottery has been a part of their history for a long time, and that shouldn’t change even though people are being killed. In another part of the story, Mrs. Adams states that some towns have already gotten rid of lotteries (p. 139). Old Man Warner’s response was, ‘’Nothing but trouble in that… (p. 139)’’ This response shows the second reason why people fear change, fear of the unknown. One can insinuate that something bad results when lotteries are not done and, like Old Man Warner, many may believe that something bad can happen if lotteries are not done. Fear of unknown end results and change are what is created when one is superstitious. The superstition …show more content…

They all seemed very calm about the situation. When it was time to stone Tessie they all did it without hesitation. They murdered their friend, and Tessie’s sons murdered their mother and that was that. One could assume they are just use to the ritual, but one can also say it is because they are scared to stop. There is a great chance that the townspeople want to stop and felt terrible about killing Tessie, but their fear is simply holding them back from saving all of their friends and

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