Fear In Lord Of The Flies Research Paper

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Fear is something me can’t control, it is naturally in us which cause humans to act on their instinct. The beast in the Lord of the Flies by William Golding is represented by fear from the very beginning when the boys first ended up on the island until they were saved by the naval officer. Putting a group of English boys on an island when the last thing they can remember is enjoying their flight on the plane, would instantly cause a sense of unplanned fear. Other concepts like war and innate human evil are based of and caused by fear itself. War begins when two opposing forces fear one another’s power. For example, the constant power struggle between Ralph and Jack because of their fear of each other and what the other was capable of. Innate human evil is the natural evil inside of every human, fear can control your want to oppose to a certain person or idea. The beast in the Lord of the Flies is fear because fear is the cause and drive of the boys basic struggle for survival. Most of the book is revolved around the fear of the unknown. Having this fear of the unknown can cause a young boy to image something he doesn’t know much worse than it actually is. Causing them to believe in something they base off of fear, which Jack comes back with, “The thing is- fear can’t hurt you more than a dream. There …show more content…

The boys constantly struggle for power because of fear of the other’s authority. The liluns coming up with new ways to describe the beast because if random objects on the island. The attempts to keep the liluns’ fear in control when the big kids are struggling with their own fear. All these examples are what fear does to you. Fear controls your actions whether you like it or not, like when the boys attacked and killed Simon in a frenzy and having an overall fear of the beast itself. Fear is the base of almost all of the boys decisions and the true representation of the

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