Father Son Relationship In Elie Wiesel's Night

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In the story night there is a common recurring theme of a father son relationship. It sparks all kind of things like Elie’s will to live, when Rabbi Eliahou is trying to find his son, how Elie is so devoted to keeping his father alive at the end, ect. In Night Elie Wiesel uses foreshadowing, tone, and irony to show how being in these camps can change your views of what you’ll do for others.
In the story night, Elie Wiesel uses the literary device of foreshadowing. It also happens to tie in with the father son relationship. When they are on the train and they stop to throw the dead bodies out they happen to approach Elie’s father. He happened to notice this and he went to wake him up. After hitting him harder and harder he finally wakes up.

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