Father Absence Research Paper

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“What defines father absence? Does it really impact an adolescent’s psychological and social health?”

Father absence is defined as the separation of child from their biological father. Absent fathers either do not reside with their children or are away for long periods of time. This includes fathers who are divorced, separated, incarcerated, in the military, travel regularly for business or are overall absent in the home more than they are present (Mancini. L, 2010). This separation of adolescent and father can be emotional as well as physical. Those teenagers whom are unable to connect on an emotional level with their biological father can also be said to experience father absence; an example of this is a father not actively …show more content…

The actions expressed during adolescence can determine how your adult life is impacted. Hence why father absence can greatly impact the psychological and social health of adolescent. Some examples of psychological effects adolescents may experience is lower self-esteem, an increase in chance of developing a mental disorder and use of aggression as a shield. There are also several studies linking father absence and an increase in antisocial behaviours, such as substance abuse, incarceration, weak academic performance and an increased possibility of early sexual debut.

From research, it has been concluded that any change in a child’s family structure will most likely influence the child’s behaviour throughout adolescence and early adulthood since they are not as independent during this time. These changes will ultimately carry into adulthood. As there are many negative effects associated with father absence, it can be said that father absence is very significant on an adolescent’s psychological and social …show more content…

The difference in romantic ideals between “father always absent” and “father never absent” adolescents were examined through a chi-square test. “Father always absent” adolescents proved to desire sex and pregnancy within an ideal relationship than “father never absent” adolescents, and also exhibited being less likely to desire commitment in general and commitment with love before having sex than their counter parts (Horne, u.d.).

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