Fate Of Odysseus Free Will In Homer's Odyssey

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Once Odysseus reached the underworld, Teiresias clearly showed that Odysseus's fate is predetermined. Odysseus went to the underworld to ask Teiresias how to get back home. Before Teiresias tells him the way home, he says,”I think you will not escape the Shaker of the Earth, who holds a grudge against you in his heart...still you might come back”(XI101-104) If Poseidon, the Shaker of the Earth, decides he does not want Odysseus to return home, then he won't. While some might say that even though Teiresias said that, Odysseus still made his way home. However, Odysseus tries to make it up to Poseidon in many ways which was just enough to break that grudge and make Poseidon let him go home. Teiresias then reassures him about his fate when he says,”if you do harm them, then I testify to the destruction of your ship and your companions.”(book XI line 113-114) Throughout the next couple of episodes, Odysseus tries making it up to Poseidon, given the knowledge by Teiresias that Poseidon has a grudge against Odysseus. …show more content…

Once Odysseus heard about Skylla, he asked Circe if there was a way to fight off Skylla so none of his men get eaten. Circe looks at Odysseus and answers,”there is no fighting against her...she will make another outrush and catch you with all her heads.”(book XII lines 119-123) If Odysseus decides to try and fight off Skylla, she will rush at him with one of her heads and eat him. Some readers might argue that Odysseus still made the choice to not fight off Skylla which gave him power over his trip. However, if Circe never told him to not fight Skylla, Odysseus would've died on his way home. Circe even tells Odysseus that,”it is best to run away from her.”(book XII line 120) So far without the gods giving Odysseus certain information he would've never made it home

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