Fate And Fate In Oedipus The King By Sophocles

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Oedipus the King by Sophocles This research essay will be about the myth Oedipus the King. Even Oedipus can possibly change his fate, but he still leads himself to the destruction due to his arrogant and stubbornness. There are so many things Oedipus can possibly do differently to avoid fulfilling the prophecy of the oracle. The story of Oedipus can apply to our everyday lives in many ways. Life is a long chess game and our opponent is the ruthless fate. Some of us think twice, maybe even three times more before we make our moves. Some of us make the moves without taking a look. “Normally, one would expect the consultation and reporting of an oracular response to constitute a very public claim to divine validation; Oedipus, however, undertakes the consultation in secret, a detail that suggests that he is less sure that the outcome will be favorable, even as the audience knows that his legitimacy is certain”(Dugdale). The ancient Greek believes in worshiping the natural spirit and gods. The oracle gives people the words of Gods and it normally gives people directions. People will go to the temple to seek helps from the priests. The oracle represents people’s faith in the ancient Greece. Generally, seeking helps from the priest with oracles is a positive thing but Oedipus is uncertain about the answer he is going to get. Therefore, …show more content…

Laius tries to escape the fate that he is going to b killed by Oedipus, so he plans on having Oedipus killed. Little does Laius know, his action actually begins the fulfillment of the oracle of Delphic. After knowing the prophecy, human has the ability to run away from dangers. In the contrary, due to act of abandoning Oedipus makes the oracle come true. Without the oracle, Oedipus will be raised by his birth parents, Jocasta and Laius. If Laius does not believe the oracle, maybe Oedipus will not kill him and defiled his wife

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