Fast Food Is Wrong

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“Should I get the value meal with fries and chicken nuggets or fries with a hamburger?” she asked herself as she squinted her eyes towards the menu screens.
“Why not both?” replied the voice inside her head. With a shrug, the lady asked for meal number six with a side order of nuggets and barbecue sauce. One mustn't forget the barbeque sauce. People love food. But sometimes that love will betray them. Society has become so prone to give into temptation that their bodies don’t even register them as temptations anymore, rather as their lifestyle. The vast majority of the population is caught and tangled in the net of willful ignorance. Time after time, people continue to partake in actions they know are not right. Like Kanye once said, “Why everything that's supposed to bad make me feel so good?” (West). Whether one decides to become oblivious to the stuff they put into their bodies or the stuff they do to themselves doesn’t matter, the underlying fact is that people are aware of the negative effects of certain actions, but as temptation quivers, the human mind suppresses those dangers. …show more content…

Still, she continued to skim the menu from left to right through the focused slant of her eyes. As she wraps her hands around the double stacked monster and raises it up towards her face, saliva fills her mouth. The first bite oozed grease out of the previously frozen brick and down her wrists. Then, she picks up four oil filled sticks and scoop the barbecue sauce into her mouth. At the time, her meal consists of impeccable flavor, but deep down, she knows she shouldn’t be eating it. People tend to intentionally ignore those gut feelings because of the instant gratification they

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