Fast Fashion Film Analysis

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There were many social justice issues that were covered in this film. The workers that were documented in this film were being unjustly treated in their wok place; they would never know if they would be able to come home unhurt at the end of the day. The workers were forced to do their jobs in extremely unsafe conditions; the buildings were essentially falling apart at the seams. The workers were also not being paid enough since there are little to no laws regulating the minimum wage of the employees. The large clothing and fashion companies are constantly pushing to get all the prices to be as low as possible at the factory level so they can make as much profit as possible at the store level even with low buying prices for the consumers. …show more content…

As consumers start to buy more clothes we also throw away or donate more clothes. Fast fashion is detrimental to the environment because the factories are polluting the oceans with all the different chemicals that are used, and so many many clothes are being thrown away that it will literally start to take over our world at the rate that we are consuming clothes. Rather than not following the fashion trends so much we buy every article of clothing that fits the trend of the week, and when the trend has faded we donate or throw away the clothes that we just bought. As consumers we should start to shop much smarter and buy clothes that we can wear for more than a few weeks. Quality clothes may be more expensive but if it means that the people that make them are not in danger than it should be worth it. Just because something is more expensive, such as designer items, it does not mean that they are made with respect and dignity towards the …show more content…

The factories are just trying to get business so they will offer a very low price just so their factory is chosen to make the product. Most of the factories know that what they are doing is bad but they start to not care because they are making money, even if it is a very little amount. The large companies just want dirt cheap prices and they don't really care about the wellbeing of the workers that are supplying their stores. This film shows just how just distribution of wealth is very important in the fashion industry. People need to be paid a fair wage so that they can support themselves and their families. There are people at the corporate level that are unquestionably wealthy and there are people at the factory level that are struggling to put food on their tables everyday. The people that are rioting for just payment are not being acknowledged and they are being killed in the riots for just voicing their

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