Fashion In The 90s

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The 90s had a large variety of important events and fashion statements. Fashion was often affected by these important events, and vice versa. Sometimes they had a positive impact, sometimes they did not. Although it happened in the late 1990s, the Columbine School Shooting still affected the whole nation. The school shooting happened very late in the 90s. “On April 20, 1999, two teens went on a shooting spree at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado.”( Thirteen people were killed and more than twenty were injured. “The crime was the worst high school shooting in U.S. history.”( This violent act made many people question the safety of their schools. “...prompted a national debate on gun control and school safety…” ( The shooting happened near the end of the decade, but still had one major effect on the fashion. The 1990s inspired many different trends for fashion of many people. “In early 1994, the “grunge” style had completely taken over the American …show more content…

When the Columbine shooting happened, one particular fashion choice was frowned upon. “...Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, dressed in trench coats, began shooting fellow students outside Columbine High School…” ( The two teens who carried out the school shooting wore long trench coats. “They called themselves the Trench Coat Mafia.” (New York Times) After that, when people were seen wearing a trench coat they were seen as suspicious. “In The wake of the incident, many public schools nationwide forbade students from wearing trench coats…”(Wikipedia). The fear of a person wearing a trench coats eventually faded, but there will always be a slight suspicion. The fashion statements in the 1990s often went alongside the important events of the decade. They were sometimes good, sometimes bad, but always

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