Far From Heaven Essay

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Far From Heaven is a movie drama stereo typing common ideals of the 1950’s. Far From Heaven tells the story of Cathy Whitaker (played by Julianne Moore), a classic white American wife, mother, and homemaker in the 1950’s. The Whitakers are living the “American dream”. They live in a beautiful house in the suburbs, have two children; a boy and a girl and socialize in all the right circles. They are the family that everyone inspires to be. Frank Whitaker is a successful businessperson at the Magnatech Television Company, the ideal husband and father in the 1950’s. Cathy, the perfect homemaker, juggles the house, family and social engagements like any respectable women of her time. Although this family was advertised as the average American …show more content…

Raymond is a single father who is well educated. Cathy first notices Raymond when the local paper interviews her. She sees a strange black man in her yard and goes out to ask whom he is and why he is there. The instrumental music leads us to believe that this is dangerous; the reporter even warns that she should just call the police. Cathy and Raymond strike up an unusual friendship because she is a white women and he a black man. Neither white nor black society accepts their friendship. When a noisy town gossip sees Cathy with Raymond going into a restaurant for lunch, she starts viscous rumors about Cathy. When Frank hears about Cathy being seen with Raymond, he comes home from work accusing Cathy of destroying everything that he has worked for because of her association with Raymond. Cathy’s daughter is shunned at ballet and Raymond’s daughter attacked by some boys when she is walking home from school because of the friendship between Raymond and Cathy. The attitudes of society towards whites and blacks intermingling were strictly taboo. In the 1950’s Jim Crow laws were in effect in the North as well as the south. Cathy has to fire Raymond and end their friendship. Raymond and his daughter eventually have to move to a new city to escape the hate crimes that they

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