Family Systems Theory

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Family has a different meaning for each individual and no two families are exactly alike. My family of origin consisted of my father, mother, and two younger sisters. We are an ever changing support system, with daily interaction. Our family system was defined by the intersecting components and the controls that keep our system stable. To understand the various components of family systems, one must first understand the dynamics of the general systems theory when applied to individuals and families. Components of Systems Theory General systems theory is defined as “a conceptual orientation that attempts to emphasize holistically the behavior of people and societies by identifying the interacting components of the system and the controls …show more content…

The rules are generally set into place over time and include what is expected of each member, what is allowed and not allowed, both in family dynamics and the acceptable behavior towards one another. The role of the family member has specific expectations and the roles may depend on the dynamics of the family at any given time. In my family, the roles were similar to the stereotypical family. My father was the breadwinner and the primary rule setter. These family rules, or values, were passed down from his family experiences and included respecting your elders, doing as you’re told, spending quality time with your family especially at the dinner table, and helping out with the household chores, without complaints. My mother was a working woman, but she was also expected to be a primary caregiver. After work she cooked dinner for the family, cleaned the house, and helped my sisters and me with our homework. She didn’t have a voice in the decision-making and unfortunately had to fall second to my father, rather than parent as equals. My sisters and I had the roles of children, but not without expectations. We were expected to excel in school, participate in extra-curricular activities, all while upholding the family name, meaning we could not engage in behaviors that made our family look bad in the eyes of others. As the oldest child, my roles changed over time, …show more content…

“A family must maintain enough regularity and balance to maintain adaptability and preserve a sense of order and sameness. At the same time, it must subtly promote change and growth within members and the system as a whole” (Andreae, 2011). Each member of the family needs the ability to grow within their own role, while the family grows as a whole and yet is able to maintain stability. The major change in my family’s dynamic was when my baby sister was born. This was a major change, as she was born 13 years after me and 9 years after my other sister. We were older and not expecting any additional changes in our family structure and dynamics. When my baby sister was born, the family was a little unstable as my sister and I received less attention initially and each individual had to take on new roles. Over time, we were able to accept the changes and form stability within the household

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