Family Of Country People By Louis Le Nain

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Discussion: Chapter 20: How did Louis Le Nain differ from his Dutch counterparts in representing the peasants? Louis Le Nain (1593-1648) shifted his perspective of the manner in which peasants or common folk were represented. Unlike his peers, Le Nain decided to use a more realistic approach in his paintings. As our text states, “subjects that in Dutch paintings were opportunities for boisterous good humor, Le Nain treated with somber stillness” (Kleiner F.S. p. 609). Indeed Le Nain wanted the people he painted to represent the hardships of daily life and the dignity in which they carried it out. In the painting “Family of Country People” this technique is clearly on display. The work depicts a family in plain clothing enclosed in a simple solitary room with a fading fire amidst the dark shadows of the background and another light source that extends from beyond the scope of the canvas. At first glance the influences of Caravaggio and Rembrandt are apparent. Their faces are neither, sad, sullen, angry, or joyful, but rather their emotional expression is plain and uncomplicated, adding a sense of timelessness to the painting. As in the description (20-34) of the piece which states; “It reflects 17th Century social theory, which celebrated the natural virtue of those that worked the soil”, (p. 609). The idea of portraying a classic simple lifestyle is a refreshing one and a concept which will reoccur in other works of the Baroque period. How did Jacques Callot impact 17th century France? Jacques Callot (1592-1635) was recognized as “The Father of French Etching”. Callot seemed to master the art form quickly and he influenced many in the process. His work in a series of prints titled ... ... middle of paper ... ...douin-Mansart Gardens: André Le Nôtre Major building campaign: 1668-85 The interior (as stated above) is certainly just as awe inspiring as the exterior, notably that of the Hall of Mirrors. The main feature of the hall is the seventeen mirrored arches that reflect the seventeen arcaded windows which look out onto Versailles equally- magnificent garden. Each arch contains twenty-one mirrors, for a total of 357 in all. This magnificent hall measures 73 meters long, 10.5 meters wide, and 12.3 meters high (240x34x40ft). Statues and busts line the walls. Other areas of note are the Versailles Gardens, and the Royal Chapel, both of which echo the palace itself in regards to the beauty and grace of their appearance. As mentioned earlier, Versailles is a key example of baroque palace architecture, and many of the finest craftsmen in Europe worked it for many years.

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