Family Essay: What Makes A Family

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Everyone experiences hardships, ups, downs, and ever-changing moments with their family. What exactly makes a family? The definition for “family” is the relation between people like parents and their children, or it could be uncles, grandparents, and sisters. It is also a vexing word as it can be different things in many cultures and ethnicities. In the end though it is the people they can count on no matter what, never question their loyalty, and always loving. Are grandparents, brothers, or sisters necessarily “family”? The answer is no. Family is people that show love and compassion, are there when they are needed most, and are more than blood and genetics. It is the characteristics of a person that makes them family; therefore, a best friend, coach, and mentor can be family. If only the denotative meaning was enough to show that family transcends the connection brought up by blood. Therefore, the definition should be looked at furthermore and changed. Nevertheless, family is much more divergent …show more content…

Being abandoned by family is the worst feeling ever, but luckily people have their friends with open arms ready to take them in. Their friends are their family. They are there for them when no one else is not and they are in awful situations. The people related to them do not always offer that. Who would be considered family? In many cases people even call their closest friend a brother or sister, and comes to show that people look at people who are always there for them, loyal, loving, supportive, and much more family. People look at friends as family and sometimes value them more than their own biological brother or sister, because they were there for moments their brother or sister were not. In fact, family is built upon friendship, and people need it to have a family. Family is not always found in friends, but other types of people

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