Family Contrast Report

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Families all across the world have several different characteristics that make each one of them unique in their own way. There are families with two parents, with divorced parents, single parents, and there are even families that have deceased parents. Some families also have adopted family members or foster family members. Some families have parents that have full-time jobs or part-time jobs, while other families have parents that are struggling to make ends meet. Overall, it is amazing to see all of the different qualities in families. I grew up in a traditional family lifestyle, with two parents and siblings. My father and mother have been married for twenty-two years and have been with each other ever since then. They both have full time jobs so they can support their three children. I am the oldest child in our family and I have two younger sisters. We are all one year apart from each other in age. My family has had such an impact on my life. I have learned that when I grow up, I want to have a family that will live the same lifestyle that I did when I grew up. My parents care a...

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