Families Over Sex Offenders Essay

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Families over Sex Offenders Laws against sex offenders have evolved tremendously from what it used to be, convicted sex offenders are required to register once they have been released from prison for a sexually committed crime. This allows for people in different communities to be aware of their surroundings. In agreement with the article “Protect Yourself, Family from Sex offenders” by Rick Schneider, the laws for convicted sex offenders are fair. Allowing information on convicted sex offenders to be made public helps citizens protect their families, help make better decisions for their families to live, and help eliminate further incidents. Everyone should be afforded every opportunity to protect their families, by putting sex offenders in the public light is helps people protect their families. This knowledge that is made public has kept children save and have lessen the attacks by sex offenders. It is citizens’ rights to know what type of environment that they are in. Alberto Gonzales in “Strict Sex Offender Laws Will Reduce Sexual Violence” quotes Martin Luther King, Junior, “History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period …show more content…

People have a right to the information that is made public on websites, this isn’t a witch hunt we have to be extremely cautious about what environment a child is placed in. George Allen in “Tougher Laws on Sex Offenders Increase Public Safety” writes “Studies show that there are more than 500,000 registered sex offenders in the United States, and there are an estimate 100,000 sex offenders who are missing from the system.” This statement alone shows how much media sources are needed to keep people informed on sex offenders, there are evading the law and essentially the job of media sources is to

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