False Memory In Cognitive Psychology

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One hundred and thirteen undergraduate and post-graduate students (80 female, 33 male) enrolled in the unit Cognitive psychology from the University of Canberra, participated in an experiment to test the theory of false memories. The students were given no incentive for participation in the study other than to gain knowledge for an upcoming assignment. The age of the participants ranged from 19 to 55 years (M= 25.77, SD= 8.78 years). The unit ‘Cognitive Psychology’ is a level 2 unit, it is assumed that all participating students already have some existing knowledge in psychology and are at least in their second year of university. There was no missing data in this experiment.
False memories were measured using a practical learning module called ‘False Memory’ from the computer program CogLab 2.0 (Francis & Neath, 2007). The module ‘False Memory’ assessed false memories using 6 consecutive trials. Each of the trials were made up of a list of 15 words which related to one specific word, e.g., sugar, sour, candy etc. these words are associated to the word...

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