False Accusations in Medical Malpractice Lawsuits

522 Words2 Pages

By definition malpractice is “the improper or negligent treatment of a patient, as by a physician, resulting in injury, damage, or loss.” (1) Malpractice can range from a physician disclosing patient information to a doctor using un-sterilized tools during surgery. There is constantly news about doctors and hospitals facing malpractice lawsuits and doctors loosing their practicing license because of a malpractice incident. I believe there is a certain extent that malpractice law should go in order to protect patients. There are probably so many malpractice lawsuits that were mistakenly filed, blaming the physicians for occurrences that were out of their control. Individuals are quick to want to get money from suing people that have big pockets. Indeed I do believe malpractice law should be there to protect the patient, but it needs to also watch out for wrongful claims or false allegations.

A doctor is one who fights to cheat death just a bit longer; they are not miracle workers or magicians. With any surgery, or anything involving health, there is always a chance for complication...

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