Fallen Innocence in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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Fallen Innocence in Frankenstein

"All things truly wicked start from an innocence."

Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961)

The Creature was not born evil. Nor was his corruption his fault.

He was born innocent, without fault or sin. The Creature was turned to a

Monster after he learned of humanity, and what a cold, cruel thing it can

be. He was shunned, beaten, chased, and persecuted by those who did not

understand him. The Monster then turned bitter and vengeful, and hated his

creator for giving him life. In Marry Shelly's Frankenstein, The Creature

symbolizes fallen innocence, his childlike naivete stripped away by the

cold, uncaring world.

The Creature was truly innocent after his creation. At first, he

knew nothing but base urges and desires. He was confused buy his senses,

unable to distinguish between them. He only took clothes to shelter him

from the bitter cold, not because he was shameful. He did not even

remember his first meeting with is creator. All he desired were basic

animal needs. He hunted for fruit and nut to stop the pangs of hunger. He

slept in the forest under the stars. He sought meager shelter to keep him

dry. These were all he desired before he knew of man. Only after silently

observing a family for months did he learn of the ways of mankind. He

became self-aware and learned common knowledge. He tediously acquired a

written and oral language. Then he yearned to meet his benefactors. For

years after his creation, the Creature was innocent.

Throughout his bitter life, the Creature was dealt one blow from

humanity after another. After spending time in the cold, wet woods, he


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...ined in the wilderness, the Creature would have

retained in virtue. However, once he was brought into the world of man, he

slowly became a diabolical demon. He became bitter as he realized what he

was, and as humanity shunned and beat him. The Creature was not evil, but

he was more like Adam, who tasted of the Tree of Knowledge and opened his

eyes to his world, and was then cast from the blissful paradise of


Works Cited and Consulted

Botting, Fred. Making monstrous. Frankenstein, criticism, theory. Manchester University Press, 1991.

Mellor, Anne K. Mary Shelley. Her Life, her Fiction, her Monsters. Methuen. New York, London, 1988.

Shelley, Mary. Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus. Edited with an Introduction and notes by Maurice Hindle. Penguin books, 1992

Spark, Muriel. Mary Shelly. New York: Dutton, 1987.

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