Fallen Angels Summary

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Pre-AP Reader’s Journal Title: Journal entry for “Fallen Angels” 1. Significance of the title: The historical definition of a “Fallen Angel” is a wicked or rebellious angel that has been cast out of Heaven. This is applicable to the book because it centers on group of misfits that all are a bunch of rebellious people that have been sent out to fight. 2. Genre: Historical Fiction 3. Date: 1988 4. Author: Walter Dean Myers 5. Setting: Vietnam in the 1960s 6. Importance of this setting: 1960s Vietnam was a very controversial time in world history. Vietnam was the home of the Vietnam conflict which is the centerpiece of the novel with Richie fighting in the conflict, 7. Plot: Richie Perry, a seventeen year old African American boy, 11. Three symbols or allusions 1. The title itself “Fallen Angels” represents the people fighting the war and how they are a bunch of rebellious soldiers. 2. Another example that is utilized with the title is that the Vietnam conflict is a struggle of good (Represented by the Capitalist West) verses evil (Represented by the Communist East) being played out on the battlefield of Vietnam Implying that no one in Vietnam is safe. This is what some may call “Accidental Nationalism” in which the writer without really realizing it portrays the side that the main character is on as the good side and therefore, the better side. 3. An example of Symbolism can be found in Richie’s letters to home being that they help represent his attitude towards the war and how it changes. At the beginning of the book the letters are optimistic and seemingly care-free but, as the novel progresses his letter’s become an honest representation of his thoughts and feelings which are anything but optimistic. 12. Theme(s) and justification of

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