Fall In Love: The Three Phases Of Love

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Have you ever wondered how or why we fall in love? There are three phases of love; lust, attraction and attachment. Lust is a phase driven by hormones where we end up in an experience of pure desire, attraction is a phase where you are overcome in new feelings, and last but not least, attachment is the phase where you grow bonds and feel connected with your special someone. During the attraction phase, blood flows to the center of the brain, which is called the pleasure center. That explains the overwhelming attraction we have towards our partner. Eventually, that behavior fades during the attachment phase, where our bodies develop a tolerance to our pleasure stimulants. In other words, becoming accustomed to our partner. Although getting struck by Cupid's arrow may very well take your breath away and make your heart go "pitter-patter", doctors caution that certain physical responses to love may work to our disadvantage.
Lust is a desire for sexual fulfilment. According to Joe Masters, a writer …show more content…

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