Fairness In Australia

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A fair and just society, as defined by Pierre Trudeau, Canadian PM, is a place where “the rights of minorities [are] safe from the whims of intolerant majorities.” A fair and just society is a society such as the one put in place by the Australian government, where there are four main systems. The first of these systems is the voting system, which allows all citizens to fairly elect a representative, with no unfair or unjust occurrences. Then, there is the democratic system of ruling which was once called by Abraham Lincoln “a government of the people, by the people, for the people”. Fourthly, there are the Australian laws, which are designed to aid citizens and allow fairness and justness within their lives. And finally, there is the Constitution, which is a version of the laws tailored to restrict the government to fair and just societies.
The Australian system of voting is a preferential voting system which allows citizens of Australia to number their desired candidate in order of preference. The votes then get totalled, and when a candidate is knocked out of the running, they can pass on the votes they received to another candidate. In this way, Australia has had a long list of prime ministers, widely agreed to be decent and dependable, and if not that, then at least acceptable. The voting system utilised in Australia clearly makes a fair …show more content…

There are many of these laws, so many that anything anyone does that is unfair or unjust is immediately noticed, and action is taken. A criminal record is created for any person who breaks a law, and a fine may be applied. For more severe offences, the person may be imprisoned. This is aimed to discourage anyone from committing an act that could hurt or be discriminatory towards a person. Therefore, this law system is part of creating the fair and just society of

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