Failures In Spanish

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Failures are a very large party in Valencia, Spain during March 12 to 19. It began in medieval times when the carpenters of the city burn their garbage in the streets near their workshops to the arrival of spring. This was due to the longer days and held at the eve of San Jose. Also the festival is connected to the pagan celebration of the spring equinox. During the first week of March before failures, there are processions of people in colorful traditional costume. The first procession is the Crida or call to action, follow the parade ninot, the splendid parade of the Kingdom, the "song of the wood" and ninots. There is also a Mascletá a fireworks display daylight, in the Town Hall Square daily at 2 pm. The point is not Mascletá visual effects but is making deafening noise and harmonious. During the week of the festival, it is loud and crazy. Every day there are concerts, contests that make paella, bullfights and fireworks. Women participating in the festival …show more content…

The nights of March 15 and 16, hundreds of failures are placed throughout the city each quarter contributes. Failures, up to 25 meters high, are sculptures that make a satirical point problems and local, national and international issues. There are also small scenes in each failure called ninots. The artists spend a year designing and building failures with wood, paper-mache and fiberglass. The days of March 17 and 18 are devoted to the patroness of Valencia, the Virgin of the Helpless. Create a colossal floral sculpture in the Plaza del Virgen. Bringing flowers, colorful costumes people get and spend sculpture. The night of March 18, is a fireworks display on the river bed. Then March 19 is the climax. Failures are full of fireworks and burning one by one. The biggest flaw, paid by the board in the Town Hall Square, is the latest. Some ninots, called the ninot indultat, stored and placed in the museum of faults. All artists expects its failure put in the

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