Failure Doesn T Achieve The American Dream

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America is the land of opportunity, where everyone can succeed and everyone has a voice... Or it’s supposed to be. People in America today put so much pressure on kids. They tell them that in order to be successful you can never fail. As if by saying that it is somehow motivating us to work harder. You are going to fail at some point in your life and it is not going to ruin your chances of being successful. Success isn’t defined by your ability to fail or succeed success is something that can’t even be classified. Success to one person is totally different to another and our society tries to define success. We try and say that failure is bad and if you fail you won’t have a good life, you won’t achieve the “American Dream”. Failure is a very important part of achieving the American Dream because without failure you will never truly learn.
If you fail at something your life isn’t over. The world doesn’t stop revolving …show more content…

We push everyone to their breaking point because we want everyone to have that “American Dream” that makes our country what it is. But the fact is our society is pushing people to the point that they fail so much they just give up. Failure is good because it allows you to grow, but too much failure and people quit. Instead of being a nation united by one common dream, we need to be a nation united on building back up from failure. President Barack Obama once said “ We are one people, all of us pledging allegiance to the stars and stripes, all of us defending the United States of America”. He is saying that we need to rise up as a nation and support each other. If someone fails we don’t shun them and tell them they aren’t good enough, we help them and tell them they can do it. Our society should be encouraging people to fail, because if they failed it means they tried and trying is one of the bravest things you can

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