Legal Guilt Essay

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The Canadian criminal justice system’s focus on legal guilt holding precedence over factual guilt supports the rights outlined in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms; sections 1 and 7 to 14 because focus on legal guilt requires law enforcement to better follow strict adherence to the legal rights of each citizen if they wish to introduce them to the criminal justice system.

The legal system’s focus on legal guilt over factual guilt sets rules in place that could potentially prove an accused person’s innocence and thus solve the issue of factual guilt. The judicial system is structured in a way that ensures a person’s legal rights are upheld when it comes to criminal law. It is critical to the proceedings that all rules are followed …show more content…

Section 11(d) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms states that all Canadian citizens have the right to be considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. The fact that legal guilt is considered more important than factual guilt in the judicial system means that the system is designed to uphold several of the legal rights outlined in the Charter. Having guidelines that make it so a person has every right to a just trial prove that having a legal focus supports the concept of justice as laid out by the Canadian Charter of Rights and …show more content…

This equality is achieved by creating standards and procedural precautions that must be respected to ensure that a person has been treated fairly. If the due process model isn’t followed a case could be dismissed, thus allowing someone who may be factually guilty to get away with a crime. The Toronto Star (2015) reported on a incident in which a Markham marijuana grower’s case was dismissed because the police Constable leading the investigation didn’t follow proper procedure and as such violated the accused man’s rights. The officer failed to follow the proper procedures and as such the court was unable to justify pursuing the case. There can’t be a fair trial if there isn’t procedure to make sure that the definition of fair is the same for

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