Factory Farmed Animals Research Paper

232 Words1 Page

Every year, the U.S raises 100 million pigs for food each year. 8.5 Billion chickens are killed every year, and 300 million are kept in cages for egg production. Many factory-farmed animals have been genetically mutated to produce higher quality goods such as beef and eggs. Antibiotics used on the animals keep them alive in what should be deathly conditions- also causing antibiotic-resistant bacteria which is harmful to humans. Chickens' beaks are removed so that companies can fit 5-8 into a 14 inch square cage. 1/5 of Chickens will die before being slaughtered because of stress or disease. At a typical slaughterhouse, 250 cows are killed every hour. Adult, female pigs spend 2 - 3 weeks nursing their young as

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