Facilities Planning Case Study

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1. In the planning and building of facilities in this district, which district leader (administrator) assumes the lead role in the planning and oversight? Why is this individual selected to act in that capacity?
a. When planning and building facilities with Florence County schools; this responsibility is often assumed by myself in my role as the Asst. Superintendent of Admin Services. I am selected because of my role in overseeing the service arm of the school district.
2. Do the district’s mission statement and vision address facilities (directly or indirectly) and their respective roles in the educational process?
a. Within our vision statement, the district states that a safe and nurturing environment is essential for learning. This …show more content…

Does the impact of ever-changing school boards of education impact your district’s facilities planning?
a. Yes, because over the course of our building plan we have had several school board members replaced, and every new board member brings in their own new prospective of what facilities should look like, and what should be included in all the new buildings.
5. Does change of district level leadership impact your district’s facilities planning?
a. Sometimes, I have had the added benefit of serving in this district for over 30 years; 13 years in my current position. That allows me to maintain authority over some of the planning of these facilities. During my time in my current position; I have had 3 superintendents all of them deeply involved in the planning, and completely committed to ensuring that our facilities are properly planned and maintained.
6. How have economics and demographics impacted your district’s facilities planning?
a. This district has seen economic and demographic growth; particularly in the western part of our community which has seen vast growth within the economic sector; this has led to more housing communities being built, and a need for additional facilities.
7. Do instructional goals of the district factor into facilities planning? If so, …show more content…

What data and/or goals are incorporated into facilities planning for the district?
a. The number one thing that drives our facility planning is data; particularly population and program growth. Likewise, the number one goal that is incorporated within this plan is the importance of our schools being places that promote learning and growing.
9. When planning for facilities construction and/or change, how is the community involved in the process?
a. Community involvement is encouraged and vital. Whenever we are looking to make a critical decision we seek out community involvement, and hold several community meetings which allow us to gain a better understanding of our community’s sentiment.
10. Identify the following:
1. Number of buildings operated by the district (loaned, leased, or rented)
a. Currently, the district owns all 30 buildings/facilities operated by the district, and we are financing our building program on a pay as we go program. This means that before any student every walks through the door of a new facility it is completely paid in

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