Facebook Creating I-Disorders Case Study

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“Is Facebook creating I-disorders” methodically tested if using certain technologies would predict scientific symptoms of six personality disorders and three mood disorders. Examining 1335 adults between the ages of 18-65 in southern California, clinical symptoms of psychological disorders, daily technology and media use, technology related attitudes and technology related anxiety were measured. 4 hypotheses were created and supported by previous studies and questionnaires. 1) Adults who use more social media will show increased clinical symptoms of psychiatric disorders 2) Adults who show more negative attitudes toward technology will show increased clinical symptoms of psychiatric disorders 3) Adults who show more anxiety about checking technologies …show more content…

This further reinforced Davila ET. Als study. In supporting hypotheses two results found that clinical symptoms of all disorder`s but 1 were predicted by attitudinal variables plus the more multitasking, the more clinical symptoms of six of the nine disorders were demonstrated. Studies by Kotikalapudi, Chellappan, Montgomery, Wunsch and Lutzen highlighted “students who showed more flow duration entropy had more depressive symptoms than those with less entropy” further supported the hypotheses. The study also highlighted the direct correlation between all three mood disorders and anxiety about checking text messages; further reinforced by the recently new phenomenon known as “phantom vibration syndrome” (a supposed sense of vibration from a phone that isn’t vibrating). Finally the study concluded that higher scores on at least one Facebook measure- use or impression management predicted increased clinical symptoms of every psychological disorder. Hence the results strongly supported the impact of technology on indicators of mental

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