Exploring the Differences Between Idealism and Representative Realism

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Exploring the Differences Between Idealism and Representative Realism The two differences between idealism and representative realism are, realists believe that objects properties such as smell and taste exist in the object but representative realists disagree and believe that these need to perceive to exist. The second difference between idealism and representative realism is for idealists things only exist when perceived, whereas representative realism means things exist if perceivable. Explain and illustrate how an idealist distinguishes between a real and hallucination experience A real experience can be defined as something that actually happens in a conscious state, which your mind picks up as real, whereas a hallucination experience is something which is not real, and you are in a trance or sleep state where you at times may not be able to tell the difference between real and your hallucination. In the following, we should learn how an idealist distinguishes from these two states. One such way an idealist distinguishes from a real and hallucination experience is through the fact that it is not just the immediate experience but also past experiences which identify 'real' and 'hallucination' experiences. This means that often in a hallucination experience you will not be able to link events with any other things that have taken place in your life meaning that it can't be a real experience. Another method in which idealists use to differentiate between the two experiences is through the knowledge that real experiences are predictable as we tend to know what is going to happen next or have experienced similar things, wh... ... middle of paper ... ...wards God with his ideas, he also has the view that it is god, not physical objects in which causes our sense experience. And that God has ordered our sense experience to react in a certain way and to certain things that happen to you. He goes on to tell us that God perceives every object all of the time so the world continues to exist when it is unperceived by humans, this links in with his idea that to be is to exist. In conclusion idealists focus on the idea that only minds and ideas exist by telling us physical things are nothing but representations of things. However there are criticisms of the Idealists views, for example in relation to Berkeleys God theory it is far more acceptable to believe in things that we can physically see and touch rather than hypothesis as an explanation of the cause of our experience.

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