Explorer Essay

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Everyone in this world is conceited. Whether we like to admit it or not, everyone has been selfish in their life; writers such as Christopher Columbus, John Smith, and William Bradford are guilty of such. Through their writing, we see how influenced they have become by their own perspective. While John Smith seemed to be very selfish and Bradford selfless, when one looks at their situation it seems almost inevitable that they wrote this way. Because these authors knew that they were going down in history they wrote in a way that made them seem like the main character so they would get all the credit. Christopher Columbus, Captain John Smith, and William Bradford were different people in terms of how they carried themselves, and that was evident through their personal writings.
Christopher Columbus knew what he was doing was ground breaking and he was going down in the history books after his voyage. However, Christopher Columbus was not the most selfless explorer. Because Christopher Columbus knew other people were going to read his accounts, he wanted to make sure it seemed...

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