Skill And Ability Essay

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Exploration of the Difference Between Skill and Ability

'Skill is the learned ability to bring about pre-determined results with maximum certainty, often with minimum outlay of time or energy or both.'

A skilful performance can be described using the following words:

Efficient - the skill is well co-ordinated and appears effortless. The unskilled performer will appear much slower and more clumsy and will also tire much more quickly.

Fluent - the skill is well co-ordinated, well timed and precise. The performer is in control of the movement. The movements of the unskilled performer will appear jerky and uncontrolled.

Aesthetic - the skill is pleasing to the eye; the performer looks very …show more content…

Learned means that it is more or less a permanent change in behaviour indicating that the skill can be performed consistently, time after time. The unskilled performer may occasionally perform the skill successfully due more to luck than practice or learning.

Goal Directed - the skill will be aimed at achieving a set result. Prior to performing the skills, the end result will be clearly identified and understood by the performer. The unskilled performer may not appreciate what they are attempting to achieve or why.

Follows a technical model - we usually judge how good/skilful and performance is by comparing it to the model of how the perfect skill should be performed. The skilful performance will mirror this model. In some situation this model has to be adapted to suit that situation. The unskilled performance will have many discrepancies when compared to the perfect model.

Types of skill

Cognitive skills

Cognitive skills are sometimes referred to as intellectual skills as they involve the thought processes.

(Working out tactics to use against my opponent in a game of

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