Exploiting The Gender Gap By Warren Farrell Summary

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Gender Discrimination and Wage Disparity

In “Exploiting the Gender Gap” Warren Farrell argues that the issue of disparity between men and women’s wages does not exist. Farrell provides multiple statistics and research that contradict the ever prominent “fact” put out by the media that women are paid less than men. He then covers a range of personal examples that strengthen his argument. He, subsequently, moves beyond the simplicity of wage disparity and brings the focus of his attention to the focus on discrimination.
The first point that Farrell makes is that out of the number of working women that have families the majority tend to choose to work jobs that have more convenient and consistent hours. On the contrary, the majority of working men with families tend to choose to work longer and more sporadic hours. To back this up, Farrell reveals a statistic from the Rochester Institute of Technology that explains the motivation of men and women in the work force.
The second point that Farrell provides is that men have a tendency to decide on pursuing higher paying …show more content…

Probably the most evident of these words and phrases is his constant use of the word discrimination. He uses it many times to present statistics that prove that the opposite of discrimination is what is actually true. His use of discrimination comes full circle when he ends his article with the sentence, “But only by abandoning our focus on discrimination against women can we discover these opportunities for women.” Also, Farrell repeatedly states in one form or another that comparing women and men in the workplace is like “comparing apples and oranges.” In conclusion, throughout the entire article Farrell implies with the way he sarcastically talks about discrimination that if you think there is discrimination in the work place, then you are necessarily ignorant to facts, because of your focus on

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