Explanation Of The Story 'The Turtle' By John Steinbeck

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We all have that one story that we tend to take a liking to, but mainly because it’s almost painfully relatable. Well, this is the one. The most heartstring pulling story that was full of misery and trial and error was the story “The Turtle”, written by author John Steinbeck. It portrays a turtle having to hold its own weight, and pull through daily tasks that are constantly counteracted. He has a willpower that is just as strong as the fortress he holds high upon his back. The story is revolved around a turtle that is given the chore of having to climb an embankment leading to a flat, paved highway at the top. He is clearly already dragging his feet, and is very sluggish as it is. He is forced to decide whether or not to attempt to scale the hill, and upon looking up and down it is obviously skeptical about it. In real-life situations for humans, we face things that are similar, such as debating to quit a job or not, or considering a move to a new location. …show more content…

He digs in and puts all of his effort into it, but it shows that it truly is time consuming. Never the less, he doesn’t give up. He’s very persistent, and eventually, he finally makes it to the top. Painful to the reader, he is faced with a wall of concrete that he must scale and land over to finally make it to the level ground of the highway. He’s gotten this far that he put his last into it, and stumbled over it only to be bitten by ants on the softest, most sensitive part of his skin. Upon sucking his limbs in, he crushed the insects between the scrunched up skin and popped back out. He was now on the clear land, and showed

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