Explain Why Should We Study Hominids

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1) Other then the scientific important of studying hominids history, the most important reason why I believe we should study hominids is because it shows us that we are all the same. Discrimination, racism, and even wars are caused by people labeling themselves into different groups. All the major conflicts that you can think of are originated in the concepts of two different groups. Black vs. whites in America, Israel vs. Palestine, and pretty much all civil wars. Hopefully showing people that we are the same will reduced all major conflicts. We are basically one big family that has its ties back to Africa. Another reason why I believe it's important to study hominids is because it show us that we are no different than the animals on earth. …show more content…

Our food system is completely different than that of the Ohlone people. We tend to make to make, eat, and throw our foods in a very fast pace, while the Ohlone people would store their foods for a long time. Farmers tend to make more food than the amount that would be actually bought by the consumer, store through aways tons of thousand of their on unsold foods, and as individuals we tend to not eat all the food we have. I believe, instead, of wasting our food, we should calculate the right amount that we need, and store the …show more content…

For example, if the state of California wants to build a new high school near the beach, there must be intensive among of research done to figure out all possible effects that it would have on the local environment. Building a new building in an environment inhabited by animals, is like aliens building a home in our backyards. So whenever we have to build any kind of structure or building, we should know exactly how it would affect the local wildlife that lives

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