Explain Why It Is Important To Work With Children And Young People

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When working with children and young people, a huge responsibility for us is our duty of care towards them as we also take on what’s called ‘loco parentis’. This means that when a child or young person is left in our care, we take on the responsibility to ensure the safety and well-being as their own parents. This also includes the responsibility to see that children’s rights are promoted and their individual needs are met. Under the Children Act 1989, children have the right to be protected from harm, to discuss their concerns, and be listened to. They also have the right to be told what their rights are, and have their wishes considered when decisions are being discusses, when they affect them. Children and young people are vulnerable because …show more content…

There should also be a well-stocked first-aid box and there needs to be a fully trained and up to date first aider available at all times. They also need to provide a physically safe environment by completing risk assessments of the setting, and keeping the setting safe, such as who comes in and out of the building, like locks on the door, and only being able to open it from the inside. The setting should also be checking that the fire alarms are working on a regular basis, and have a procedure in place of what happens if there is a fire. The setting also needs to ensure that behaviour remains within safe boundaries by establishing and following a behaviour policy that they have, and ensuring that behaviour that is likely to cause harm or upset to others is not permitted and is handled effectively. Also they are to ensure that children and young people’s development is supported by regularly observing and assessing the development of the individual children, and planning appropriate activities and opportunities to support development and meet individual

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